As I was thinking of the things I like to do to relax, I realized that I typically implement at least one of these every day without even purposely trying — it’s just routine at this point! I think it’s so important to make destressing a priority. In today’s society, it seems like everyone’s stress levels are up, and stress is so bad for our bodies. It leads to disease and can affect the way we feel and perform on a daily basis. So, here are my favorite ways to destress.
- Travel. My very favorite way to totally destress is to take a trip. I love to have a change of scenery and get out of the rut of a routine. But traveling often isn’t often feasible for the wallet. Even just researching a place I want to go helps put me there and gets me excited about planning a future trip there. It gets my mind on something else, too. And if nothing else, it’s always fun to just do something different near where you live.

- Paint my nails. Fun fact about me: I’ve never had a manicure. Nope, not even once. I have had a pedicure (only once) and it turned out to be a not-so-great experience, so I think it scarred me for life, and I now prefer to do my own nails. I’ve actually found that doing my nails at home is relaxing. Here’s why: you have to wait for each coat to dry, and while your nails are drying, you kind of have to relax. Plus, the end result gives you a little more confidence when your nails look nice and polished. And think of all the money you can save by doing it yourself!
- Take a bath. I’m pretty sure I could not live in a house that didn’t have a bathtub. I love to get in a hot bathtub at night and unwind. It feels really good on your muscles and helps you relax and feel sleepy when it’s bedtime, too. Make it a bubble bath or add epsom salts to get even more relaxation. Lavender scented ones are especially good for destressing.
- Read. I love reading, but don’t have the time to do it as much as I’d like. But even just a few minutes before bed can be really relaxing. I read a daily devotional each night before I go to sleep, but sometimes I read books I get from the library, magazines I subscribe to, or even a cookbook.
- Watch tv or a movie. I almost always have the tv on when I’m home, but I’m rarely watching it — it’s usually just on for background noise. But I find that when I come across an interesting show or movie and actually put everything else aside to watch it, it feels nice to have some time to shut my brain off for a bit and get wrapped up into something else.
- Go for a jog or a walk — outdoors. Getting outside and moving really clears my mind. I love going for a jog or a long power walk because it doesn’t require thinking like a typical workout routine does. It allows me to totally clear my mind. Plus, if I go in the evenings, I often see a beautiful sunset or something in nature that makes me forget about the stress from the day.

- Burn a candle. I light a candle almost immediately every evening when I get home, and I burn it until I go to bed. There’s something soothing about seeing the light flicker and smelling a nice scent. It’s like having my own spa in my living room. I get candles from all over, but I tend to stock up during the big Bath & Body Works sales. I like many different types of scents, but if it smells like something that could’ve come out of the oven, I’m definitely sold!

- Cook a meal. If you know anything about me, you know I absolutely love to cook. Whether it’s just throwing something together or following a recipe, having that final outcome and being able to enjoy something that I prepared myself is so satisfying. Even if I’m having a day where I feel like I didn’t accomplish what I wanted to, making a meal reminds me that I did something pretty amazing from start to finish.

I hope this gave you some ideas and will help you make relaxation part of your daily routine. I’d love to hear if you have tips on things you enjoy doing to destress!